David Codrea heard that the FAA is blocking all of the blogs here at blogspot.com. I was kind of skeptical, at first. But then I started paying attention to what ISPs my readers are using and damned if that none of them are coming from FAA.gov. This blog formerly got at least a view visitors each day from there.
My suspicion is that there are a number of former FAA controllers who are blogging and that 99.67% (or better) of them are fairly critical of the FAA. Maybe the Gutless SES-Grade Cowards at 800 Independence Avenue believe that if they can't see it, there is no problem.
But I am not surprised that the FAA is taking its clues from the Chinese method of stifling Internet dissent: Just block it.
UPDATE: Now I'm seeing some traffic from FAA servers. Go figure.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
Really? I think I first found your blog from a link off of another former ATC guy's blog...maybe FAA follies or Just the flick...Why am I not surprised by this information? Because it sounds just like the FAA I remember so fondly!
Now that you mention it, Miss Fit, it has been a while since I've seen an FAA URL in N631S's visitor path stats - formerly a fairly common occurrence.
You are coming in loud and clear via FAA IP
1) Most controllers are NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association) members.
2) Since the Redbook (2009 Contract) replaced the Whitebook (2006 Imposed Work Rules), most Union Locals have gained some internet access for their members.
3) NATCA internet access has to be off the FAA system, because of the FAA's system security rules (a joke, but that's another matter).
4) Most people have smart phones now, and they can't access the FAA system (see above).
5) Most other FAA personnel have finally realized that everything you do on the FAA system is logged (yes, I know most everything else is, but it's not as easy for your boss to look it up).
Don't worry, your blog is on the favorites list on many computers.
CP88, thanks. That's comforting to know.
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