The idiots posed the TSA's screening manual on-line. It was redacted, but they did it with a computer, they did it badly, and the redactions were capable of being removed. And they were.
Wikileaks has the full document and so do other sunshine websites. Bet you didn't know that governors, lieutenant governors, the Mayor of DC and their spouses get a free pass through airport security when they have their police escort with them. Foreign dignitaries get a free pass through airport security, as well.
And if you work for the TSA, including their lawyers, you sail right through.
If you want to see what a CIA pass looks like, go to page 4-24 of the manual.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
Remember the old days when only fast food clerks and convenience store workers were considered idiots?
It's just amazing. They seem to be operating on a cyber-equivalent of the "Big Sky Theory", that the Internet is so vast that nobody will find their stuff if it is on some obscure website.
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