Pat Buchanan, for one. He is arguing that the reason World War II was fought was because the Western Europeans did not appease Hitler enough. Buchanan thinks that the British and the French should have let the Germans take Danzig and then maybe Hitler would have confined his Jew-slaying to Germany.
I suspect that is going to be a tough sell. But it is useful, for when any one of the cranks and crackpots on the Right start talking about "liberal appeasers," we can just point them to Pat Buchanan.
Not Blessed With Military Intelligence
37 minutes ago
So this is the gist of it? Bush compares his war to WWII, then folks say "No, George, YOUR war did not NEED to happen!" So then, asshats like Buchanan need to say "Well, now as you mention it, WWII did not NEED to happen, either...." Holy shit, makes me want medicinal vodka for breakfast.
What I suspect is that the traditional Right-wing nutjobs are gravitating back to referring to WW2 as "Roosevelt's War," which is what they used to call it until the extent of the Holocaust became widely known. You could see a little of this mindset 32 years ago, when Bob Dole referred to the "Democrat wars."
Well, either that, or they are taking this line to try harder to attach "necessity" to Bush's war....because you see, if it is heresy to suggest WWII was not needed, it should therefore be heretical to say the war on terror is pointless.
Did you see Patrick Buchanan's rendition of world war 2?!?! AHAHAHAHAH. It very cute. Check it out if your intrested here -
Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War
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