The DoJ issued this statement: "By entering into this agreement, the United States does not admit to any violation of the Privacy Act and continues to deny all liability in connection with Dr. Hatfill's claims."
I call "Bullshit!" Nobody, not even the Feds, will agree to pay someone $6 million just to go away without determining that they would get whacked at trial for damages of an order of magnitude or greater.
When you hear that the FBI is calling someone a "person of interest", think of Steven Hatfield, Richard Jewell and Brandon Mayfield. Think of how the FBI and the Attorney Generals, especially Ashcroft and Gonzales, have been more than willing to claim that innocent men are guilty of heinous crimes. Think about how so many of the high-profile terror investigations have fallen apart.
When the FBI or the Department of (in)Justice announces a high-profile charge or investigation, your Bullshit Meter had better be pegged.

I just ripped off your "bullshit detector".
Hell, *I* ripped it off someone after a Google Images search. :)
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