Lara Logan, the chief foreign correspondent for CBS News, was on the Daily Show last night. She said that because our news media is not paying much attention to the wars, that the troops have come to believe that they are doing a job nobody cares about.
(The days where foreign correspondents were guys in old rumpled trenchcoats are long gone.)
McClatchy found confirmation that the Defense Department was moving prisoners around to avoid scrutiny by the Red Cross.
The McClatchy series as to how this nation came to be a nation that tortures people and holds people indefinitely for no goddamn reason also continues today.
There was a cabal of five lawyers in the Bush Administration who were directly responsible for producing legal opinions that "international laws against torture are only for losers." They are:
David Addington, chief of staff for Vlad Cheney.
Alberto Gonzales, former White House counsel and then Attorney General.
William J. Haynes II, former Pentagon general counsel.
Timothy E. Flanigan, former deputy to Gonzales.
John Yoo, lawyer in the Justice Department.
As the article points out, these five goons did more than just say "torture is OK by us," they set up a system that virtually ensures that nobody who actually tortured people would ever be held accountable for it.
Addington, Gonzales, Haynes, Flanigan & Yoo, Torturers-at-Law. Our Motto: "No War Crime Too Evil To Rationalize."
UPDATE: Medical examinations of 11 former prisoners have confirmed that they were tortured. Expect to hear more from the Bush Apologistas about how torture is no different than a USC frat party.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
17 minutes ago
Goddamn motherfuckering spammers!
I don't really have anything to add aside from that Lara Logan is ridiculously hot. If it was just that gravelly sexy voice, or the exotic accent, or the fact that she's really really smart, or her awesome viewpoints on life, the universe, and everything, or her gigantic set of balls...
Just any one of them would be enough, but she's all the above and more! Wow, I need a cold shower.
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