It's all a fucking con. It apparently fixes nothing of consequence. The consensus seems to be: "The folks at the NSA are good people, we can trust them not to do anything wrong."
Which, of course, is bullshit. The NSA was listening in to telephone calls between reporters and their editors. They were not only listening into calls between our soldiers and their loved one, they were passing around the racy bits for their buddies to chuckle over.
So the cycle will repeat itself. The NSA and the other TLAs will develop work-arounds so they can get whatever shit they want without having to follow inconvenient laws and procedures. The pro-statists like Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Rogers will pat each other on the back, knowing that they were able to dodge anything approaching real reform.
And the terms "online" and "privacy" will forever be mutually incompatible.
The penguin knows the truth.
Saturday at the Party with George
24 minutes ago
A question for you, Oh wise and knowing Ms Fit.
Have we (the usa) always been this F'd up? After all we were founded by rich slave owners, for rich slave owners.
As a country we have/had some Great ideals, unfortunately we don't begin to live up to them anymore, but did we ever? Yea, WW2 was a good moment but then we allowed the gas camps, and funded a lot of their war machine. We used it to grab lots of territory and secure mineral and oil contracts. It wasn't just "for the effort". I'm with Ike about being wary of the 'military industrial complex', and I wonder if it was actually up and running before the war.
I ask "how far back does it go"?
The 'Puritans' were some F'd up folks, probably others who came over were running away also. Australia was founded as a prison colony and yet they somehow seem more 'real' in their policies, it didn't seem to create the same kind of asshat as the USA did.
I can see that we have become 'sheeple' and wolves, no joke. And I can see how it's happened thru
our history.
Did we ever live up to our Ideals of Truth and Justice? It's always been a sham I begin to think.
I think that a proper answer would be a good subject for another blog post.
And don't forget listening in on their OWN loved ones...
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