The State Department is working itself into a froth because the Russians allegedly recorded a phone call between two American diplomats and released it to the world.
Because, after all, we're the only ones who are allowed by the Almighty to intercept calls between foreign diplomats.
Hypocrisy is one of the standard tools of the State Department. So, apparently, is idiocy, assuming that those two clowns were talking over a regular (unsecured) telephone system.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
What's the Russian word for "irony"? And what's their word for "incompetence"?
ирония and некомпетентность
Irony is almost the same as in English, once you adjust for Cyrillic. The Russian word for incompetence sort of literally translates to "not holding competence", but my dictionary translates it to "incompetence".
(I sort of half-assed studied Russian some years ago)
Ernestine, Lily Tomlin, Hoover
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