Frank James apparently had a stroke. I'm presuming that if you leave good wishes on his blog, they'll get to him somehow. Or maybe not. As far as I know, Tam's blog is probably the place to check for updates.
When I read the words "rail gun", it calls to mind an electromagnetic rifle. Not one of these things.
I just bought Marko's and Peter's first books for my Kindle ("Terms of Enlistment" and "Take the Star Road"). I've never been much into military SF as a genre. I'm more of a hardboiled mystery type* The SF works in my home when I was a kid tended to Asimov and Clarke, not Heinlein.
I never much got into RAH. I did take a date to see "Starship Troopers",** but that was more payback because she had taken me to a movie that was so bloody sappy that it almost gave me type II diabetes. And "Kull the Conqueror"*** had already gone out of the theaters.
But I digress.
I have enjoyed RobertaX's web series "I Work on a Starship", which isn't exactly milspec SF, though it touches on it. So I thought it might be good to step outside of my normal reading zone and read those books. Besides that, they're good guys.
When you get up to go out in the morning and you put on your gun, helps to check that you've got the right speedloaders. I went through a day a little while back with a J-frame piece and two speedloaders for a K-frame. Didn't need them, but it would have been a Bad Thing if I had.
* yes, I wrote that. Be a mensch and buy a copy.
** very high suckage factor in that movie.
*** ditto my last.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
Did you ever get into C J Cherryh? Downbelow Station, Merchanter's Luck, the Faded Sun series are all really good reads in the "Give me an alien who thinks like and alien, not like a furry human".
Thanks! I consider you a friend more than a customer, so if you'd like to read the next two (assuming you enjoy the first), let me know, and I'll send them to you.
Bad Yogi, no I haven't read any of Cherryh. I'll add that to my list.
Peter, thanks.
On the subject of 'Rail Guns' what ever happened with 'case less' ammo? I vaguely remember reading of it and phuttz, it's gone.
To be clear, the "Starship Troopers" movie was a complete abomination and completely missed (or disregarded) the point of the book.
w3ski, caseless ammo apparently didn't offer that big of an improvement over the stuff that was developed in the 1860s. Designing a caseless round that will stand up to handling and yet be self-consuming seems to be a real problem.
Thanks for the kind words -- and I second the recommendation to read Cherryh. "Rimrunners" is a good quick look at her universe.
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