Gracie passed two years ago.
It took me a long, long time to reach the point where I could look at pictures of her, let alone write about her, without puddling up. She was a happy cat. While she took no guff from the male cats of the household, she was never nothing but kind and loving to me. She didn't like going to the vet, but once she was there, she was a trouper about what had to be done. And I suspect that a little of her kindness rubbed off on me. My life was enriched for her being a part of it.
I wish I had had some more years with her, but I cherish the ones that I had.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
Dang, two years already, where does the time go?
I just realized that I have been reading your site for over five years now.
I understand. I lost my lionheart (20 years old) on January 18th. It's the first time I've had to end a pet's life. Hardest thing I ever did.
I think about him every day.
Sarah, my condolences. It's a hard thing, but often it is the right thing. Too many people won't make the decision until after it's been too far long.
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