It would make sense for the Russians to do that. The Tea Party is a destabilizing element in the American political system. The politicians who are beholden to the Tea Party are obstructionist when it comes to government function and largely isolationist in foreign policy outlook. The turmoil in American governance, especially when it comes to economic issues, has made foreign governments lest trustful of an American hand on the tiller of the global financial system. Almost anything that tends to constrain American power in any form likely benefits Russia.
When the Russians were complaining that the pro-democracy NGOs in Russia were being funded, at least in part, by the CIA, they were probably right. When the Russians complained that American money and other support helped with the Orange revolution in Ukraine and the Rose revolution in Georgia, they were probably right. So it would make sense for the Russians to attempt to counter American influence by funding a destabilizing force in domestic American politics.
It probably wouldn't take that much (as governments see numbers) to swing some elections. The money could be washed through some of the super-PACs. And the beauty of that is that if the Russians were doing it right, the Tea party might not even be aware of the source of the funds.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
2 hours ago
USA have pissed off an endlessly long number of people most of whom heartily believe in revenge and will never rest until they've extracted it - so don't limit the exploitation of our shit4brains elements to the Ruskies when millions of people in dozens and dozens of countries have scores to settle in blood.
Filed under "Goofy enough to be true."
Not goofy at all. The Tea Party has made it fucking LEGAL, after all. Legal for foreign governments and corporations to change American politics to suit themselves. Remember, corruption doesn't have the appearance of corruption.
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