It sure looks like it. For it is indeed curious that the Army has built a mock-city that resembles a generic American city. Right down to a church (look at the photo here) and a subway station with DC Metro cars. The cost was $96 million, or about one-quarter the cost of a F-35.
The Army built a fake Iraqi village for training at Ft. Bragg. The Army built a fake Aghani village to train in and the Air Force built one to bomb. Fake Vietnam villages were built at Ft. Lee and Ft. Dix.
Before you go on an anti-Obama rant, this site took six years to plan and build, which implies that the original funds request dates back at least a year or more before that. You might recall who was the president in 2006 through 2008.
Why is the Army training to conduct combat operation in an American city?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
2 hours ago
It 'started' as an asymmetric warfare site, specifically to combat terrorism from OUTSIDE the US... After BO took over, who knows what directions the unit was given as to whom to consider terrorists??? We know they've already trained against the white janitor gun lover...
Well, y'see, we had to take down Saddam Hussein because, as President George Dubya Bush told us, "He gassed his own people."
Whereas, if George Bush or his successors simply bombed his own people, or attacked his own people with artillery shells, or sent in assault forces against his own people, that's different because umm....because err...because uhhh....oh just shut up and do what you're told.
Yours very crankily,
The New York crank
I love the BLAZE for it's wild comments....
I don't read the comments on any news site anymore. So many of them seem to be written by baboons.
Which is probably a slur against baboons. They have to be smarter than most people who post comments on those stories.
I find it interesting that blog commentators tend toe be a lot more rational, if not intelligent.
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