A. Getting hammered and urinating on the side of the Alamo.
B. Getting hammered and killing four people in a motor vehicle crash.
If you guessed "A", award yourself a gold star.
If you guessed "B", not so much.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
33 minutes ago
Now, now, now, let's be honest. The answer for virtually all Texans is both. You only get the get out of jail free pass if you are very wealthy. And given the state of corruption in this country, I'm pretty sure that pass is available in most other states also.
Ozzy Osbourne peed on the Alamo (in an evening gown) and they waited until after his show to throw him out of San Antonio. He was later pardoned after donating $10,000 to the group that runs the Alamo, so I guess it really is a question of how much justice can you afford?
-Doug in Oakland
I'll rest on my statement," you only get the get out of jail free if you are very wealthy". And probably contribute Democrat.
Ah, really? A majority of the Lege is Republican. All statewide offices are held by Republicans. Tarrant County is a GOP stronghold.
And the judge is a Republican.
Care to back up your assertion that his daddy had to "contribute Democrat" to get the kid off?
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