Clearly, the LAPD cannot be trusted with high-capacity automatics.
When seven of eight officers shot at two Hispanic women who where delivering newspapers, the cops fired over 100 rounds. One of the cops fired 28 rounds.
They hit one of the women twice and the other one once, slightly.
The circumstances of the shooting revealed that the patrol officers were either badly trained or trigger-happy.
It's time to make them turn in their automatics and go back to carrying .38s. At least it will cut down on their "spray and pray" fire discipline.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
And one bullet. That they're required to carry in their shirt pocket when they're not using it.
Not gonna happen, 'cause Officer Safety wouldn't like it. Nevermind that I never met Officer Safety and he ain't ever done anything for the safety of the public as far as I know, Officer Safety is, like, their God that they worship. The safety of the general public... not so much.
Well, if "Officer Safety" is everything, then why don't they patrol in convoys of armored SUVs? Or, even better, just pretend they're all Fobbits and stay in the station and play cribbage?
It was stupid from the get go. I wouldn't have wanted that many .38 slugs winging my way either. Wrong color, wrong make, 2 people not one. So many mistakes made. Then to really rub it in the cops tried to buy the lady off with a used Ford Ranger replacement? That was the worst insult of all. She had a Tacoma till she drove on their shooting range. The cops "violated policy"? Hell they tried to murder that lady! They call me 'dangerous with a firearm' at least I know not to use a pickup for target practise. That too, most of the hits were in the tailgate? WTF, trucks don't bleed.
Comrade, don't give them ideas. Actually, the Oakland PD seems to be taking your advice. They only beat up lone teenagers and hippy anti-globalization activists and speeders that they stop on deserted streets, they don't respond to any calls from the ghettos where, like, people might shoot back at them.
w3ski, thus the one bullet. In their shirt pocket. Six holes after those six cops all shot their one bullet, given their aim, would have gotten nowhere near those two poor ladies.
'violated policy'
Common sense was violated as well as the fourth rule of gun safety.
No one ever asked "Hey Captain, since we're protecting your house what is the daily routine? Any delivery trucks, lawn maintenance trucks, pool cleaners, that we want to make sure we don't mistake for the suspect?"
Fortunately the "only ones" are terrible shots. Not to mention not being able to tell a full size Nissan Titan from a mid-sized Toyota Tacoma.
Google brian mcgee. He RAMMED the truck and SHOT at the driver withiut dertermining the identity or even the RACE of the driver.
DA says it was OK.
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