You might recall the "Hutaree Militia" members who were arrested a few days ago. They were allegedly planning to kill a bunch of cops in order to spark an insurrection against the government, which they hate.
They've requested that they be represented by public defenders. So they are asking the very same government which they despise to defend them against the charges.
Which is not a hell of a lot different from the Teabaggers who were demanding that the government not provide health insurance and to "keep your hands off my Medicare."
A Dance to Jules Feiffer
10 minutes ago
1 comment:
But... but... you don't get the point! If they are using those public defender resources, then brown people can't be using those public defender resources. It's a racist win-win situation! Well, for some definition of "win-win" that exists in Right Wing Nut Job logic anyhow, if not in any logic that resembles logic as you and I know it ;).
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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