This is my summer movie report, so far:
Iron Man: Most definitely did not suck. Morton Downey, Jr. was just excellent.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Kind of sucked, but not as badly as Temple of Doom. Sorry, but Dr. Jones is way too old be doing that stuff. The bonus is that it may result in "nuking the fridge" entering the film lexicon the way that "jumping the shark" did for television.
The Incredible Hulk: This really did suck, despite the contributions of Edward Norton. The critics like it, but only because it doesn't suck as badly as Hulk did. I'm sorry, I find no thrill in watching two CGI character battle it out, in a fight that was ripped right out of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Wanted: Bare-bones of a story, too much CGI, but anything that has Angelina Jole shooting a gun in it isn't going to be too terrible.
We’re Glad He’s Not A Member
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I adore Edward Norton. I thought that "The Illusionist" (despite Jessica "Big Ol' Booty" Biel) and "The Painted Veil" were spectacular.
I really can't recommend "Painted Veil" enough.
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