The Supreme Court just handed down a ruling on Guantanamo that the detainees can challenge their detentions in Federal Court.
Or, in other words: "Court to Bush! Court to Bush! What part of `we are a nation of laws, not men' is unclear to you?"
Of course, the Four Fascists dissented, but that's to be expected. That this ruling was handed down while Chimpy is overseas is sort of a nice garnish.
Notice to You Democrats Who Are Still In a Huff Because Hillary Lost:
This is why the power to nominate justices to the Supreme Court is important. This is why we cannot entrust that power to John McCain, a man who is not only running for Bush's third term, but who has also endorsed and ratified the undemocratic policies of Vlad Cheney. This is what McCain said: “I don’t know if I would want [Cheney] as vice president. He and I have the same strengths. But to serve in other capacities? Hell, yeah.”
That s what you want? You want another president who is in favor of appointing authoritarian/fascists to the Supreme Court, to appoint justices who believe that whatever the president does is legal, and who treat the Bill of Rights as a dead letter? This is what you are willing to accept because Hillary lost?
So, if any of you are still of the opinion that you will vote for McCain or not vote at all because Hilary lost, then fuck you, fuck your horse, and fuck everybody who looks like you, for you are the pettiest and most detestable of souls, and may you be forever damned.
Everybody needs a hobby
1 hour ago
And one more thing: If you let McCain win, the end of Roe v. Wade will be a monument to YOU.
I started screaming "Oh god, oh god, oh god" as soon as I saw that McCain would even consider keeping Cheney around. And not in that other "good" way, either. Yet, yes, I know Dems who say they are voting "green" rather than for Obama...yes, makes me feel murderous.
I could see myself beating someone that stupid with a big stick.
I hope that anyone thinking of a spite vote for McCain can be reached. I know we should use gentle persuasion and reason, but sometimes I just want to grab people by their throats and tell them to wise up!
Gee, I thought it WAS gentle long as they lived to change their minds.
But that must be my inner barbarian bitch goddess talking, right?
Oh, BTW, not only did I highlight this at my live journal for the blog-avoidance crew, but I blog-rolled you at my own site. I feel stupid that I hadn't done it before---thought I had actually. Better late than never?!
Labrys6, can you give me a link to your blog? I can't seem to find it, or what I've found doesn't have a blogroll.
I'll be happy to add you.
I love reading blogs from people with functioning brains. It gives me a bit of hope for this tired old globe.
What a sweet thing to say! {smooches}
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