I have seen reports that Clinton will fold her campaign by Wednesday. I have seen other reports that Clinton has a plan for a "Hail Mary" strategy to win the nomination.
I don't know which is true. And I don't care. But whether it is Obama or Clinton, the supporters of the loser had better come down off their high horses and get in line.
For unless those candidacies were truly different "cults of personality," then if you are a Democrat, you chose to support either one of the candidates because of their policies and what they stood for. Unless you are an embittered hypocritical soul, there is no way to argue that John McCain is closer to Clinton's policies than is Obama, or that McCain is closer to Obama's policies than is Clinton.
If you bought into the cult of personality, then go ahead and waste your vote. And when President McCain nominates a series of right-wing troglodytes to the bench and continues to staff the Executive Branch with Bush loyalists, don't come crying to me or anyone else. It will be your goddamn fault.
If you are a Democrat or if you despise what Dorquemada has done to this country for the last eight years of his illicit presidency, then the last thing you want to do is continue the Chimperor's polices by electing McCain to succeed him.
But if you are so hostile and bitter that you would rather see the country continue to slide down the tubes just because your candidate didn't get nominated, then there is really no hope for you.
Do You Sell Negative Energy Drinks?
1 hour ago
Indeed. I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination. Either candidate is better than McCain, even if my distaste for Hillary's superdelegate strategy of "vote for me because America won't elect a nigger for President" is palpable. But if she somehow managed to get the nomination, I'd hold my nose and vote for her, no matter how distasteful a campaign based upon racism is to me. Because the alternative is probably the final collapse of the Weimar Republic oops American Republic and we all know what happens after the Weimar Republic collapses... lots of people die, and national disaster.
Luckily I won't have to hold my nose, because Obama has won, no matter how much Terry "Serial Loser" McAuliffe wants to deny that fact. But from a practical point of view, my brain-dead cat would be a better President than John McCain, so ...
- Badtux the Apocalyptic Penguin
Careful, don't want to bestow any insights on the Bob Barr fans...
Badtux, Clinton's campaign has been distasteful as all hell.
I'm not too worried. Once it is figured out exactly what role Clinton will play in the Obama campaign, possibly in his administration if he wins, and in the future of the Democratic Party, she and her supporters will all calm down and regain their senses.
It's like when Jonny Damon left the Red Sox to join the Yankees. Everyone was all up in arms: "How can this happen? He's the enemy! Blah, blah, waah, waah!" Now it's like he was never a Red Sox.
Trust me. It's all gonna be fine. This whole "fractured Democrat Party" shit is just right-wing wackaloon shitbag talking points, anyway.
Physioprof, it's not just Right-wing nutjobs, I've seen comments like that from the deranged Clintonistas. Some of them would rather burn the country to a cinder because Hillary blew the nomination.
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