This country is just so fucked.
The Democrats, especially including the Obama Administration, seem to be so convinced that if they just play nice, the Republicans will see the light and play along and civility will return, etc., etc.
In a pig's eye.
Republicans are out there being as nasty and as destructive as possible. They are doing their level best with their birther nonsense to tear down this president. Republicans don't give a flying fuck about the country; if it seemed that the Democrats would be in power for the long term, the Republicans would do whatever it took to destroy this nation as a functioning entity. Oh, they say the Pledge of Allegiance every chance they get, but none of them believe a word of it. Their loyalty is 100% to their own ideology and their party.
Which is why there is an entire television news channel dedicated to destroying the Obama Administration. Which is why there is no shortage of Republican politicians spewing hate and lies about everything under the Sun. Candidates for national office are saying things that, in a rational world, would get them heavily sedated and confined to locked wards. They do all this because there is no cost to them.
But let one Democrat say anything remotely mean about Republicans and the GOP-drones are chanting for heads to roll. And, in the case of Van Jones, the Obama Administration obliged them.
Dear Reader, for all the talk of what a nasty operative Rahm Emanuel can be, the truth of the matter is that the Democrats and the Obama Administration have brought Nerf-bats to a gunfight. Until they get it through their thick and stupid skulls that there is no point in being nice to these people, that they are going to have to start swinging dirty, then the Democrats and the Administration are going to continually be out-hustled, out-scored and defeated at ever turn. It wouldn't matter if 90 senators were Democrats, they still couldn't pass a fucking bill of any import.
I see no hope for the foreseeable future. The Democrats are inept, the Republicans are increasingly a gang of Christo-fascists who want to bring back industrial feudalism. With these two packs, one of fools, one of crazies, you had better start encouraging your children to learn to speak the next dominant language of the planet: Chinese.
We need a third party, now, and not that bag of mixed nuts following Ron Paul.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Down
1 hour ago
Yup. Wish 'tweren't so, but 'tis.
I think the Obama Administration, like most DLC and Blue Dog types, would rather beat up on progressives than take on Republicans. After all, they have more in common with the latter.
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