"A little privacy, please?" That was just a passer-by, I've not seen this cat before or since I took that photo.
Gracie is not a skinny cat, but she was able to walk into that box, turn around and lie down.
I scoop the litter boxes twice a day and I use clumping litter. But little fragments of used litter break off the clumps and build up over time. Thursday morning, around 4AM, George communicated to me that the litter boxes needed to be changed by taking a dump next to my bed. He tried to bury it, of course, and as I have become attuned to that sound, I woke up and got rid of the turd.
I changed the litter that evening.
I love your Caturday posts. I apologize, though, I laugh really hard at the angry pooping and such. I would not laugh so much if that happened here, so I feel guilty about that. Sorry.
Don't feel guilty; I post those stories because they are kind of funny.
You got rid of George??? Just kidding!
dcup, it happens here regularly. Why, just last night ... on the bathroom stairs, fer crisake. What's THAT about? Fresh litter was immediately provided.
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