Many, many years ago, I was in the service and home on leave between assignments. My father had just retired from a job where he had been involved in some major projects and had some familiarity with capital funding. Some men a couple of towns over had a small start-up and they asked Dad to meet with them to explain the process. For some reason, he couldn't drive, so he asked me to drive him over.
I don't remember what they were doing. Dad explained how the rounds of funding worked and all of that, most of which I've forgotten. They were disturbed at the idea that if they went to the venture capitalists that, as part of the deal, they would have to give the venture guys a majority of the stock so they could control the board of directors. Dad told them that was not a negotiable point. They wanted to know why that was the rule.
It seems that once upon a time, there was a guy who had started up a promising company. He got venture funding, they poured in a lot of money and they let him keep control of the company. When the company started making serious money, rather than use the funds to grow the company or to pay back the investors, the owner of the company gave the money to charity because "God told him to" and because he could. The investors got hosed.
The guys at this meeting were appalled. They asked how that guy could have done such a thing. Dad said: "If you think you are talking to God, you can justify anything you want."
And that is why this nation was bug-fuck insane to have elected George Bush. Since he thinks he is talking to God, it does not bother him to wreak havoc on the Middle East or to rape the Constitution. We don't elect monarchs in this country, but you'd never know it from the actions of Disgustus "this is my government" Maximus.
It does not bother the Chimperor one whit that he has overseen (if what he does can be called "oversight") the turnaround of this nation from a beacon of liberty and freedom into a rogue state with nuclear weapons.
He loses no sleep over the reality that he and his toadies in the Republican party have attempted to have the Federal government adopt the practices of the Soviet Union, to wit: putting a premium on party loyalty over competence and ability, secret arrests, secret prisons, arrests without probable cause, detentions without trial, secret searches, unlawful wiretaps and the use of torture.
Der Monkey Fuhrer does not care. In truth, it does not bother him a bit that he has what is in essence, a "no show" job. He does what Dick Cheney tells him to do, and because it is all God's will, he has no problem with turning over effective control of the Federal government to a hard-line fascist while he, Chimpy, does mostly ceremonial things such as giving speeches at community colleges and meeting the championship t-ball team from West Jesus, Nebraska.
He does not care what the American people think or want. He is taking his marching orders from God. And in that, he is perfectly in tune with the president of Iran, as they engage in an argument that can best be called "my invisible friend can beat up your invisible friend."
One man has the control of nuclear weapons. The other seeks to have nuclear weapons. Neither cares how their decisions affect their people or the world, for they are listening to God.
We are so screwed.
Orange Rotation
3 hours ago
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