I bought a 1977 edition of FlightGuide in a used bookstore a little while ago. I compared the listing of airports in one small state, Connecticut, with the listing in the current edition of the Airport/Facility Directory.
These are the airports that are no longer there:
Burlington (Johnnycake)
Griswold (Lakeside)
Madison (Griswold)
South Woodstock (Woodstock)
Waterford (New London)
Burlington and Madison closed recently. Madison is (or was before the credit crunch) going to be developed into a housing project of some kind. Burlington closed when the owner of the property raised the rent by a factor of ten.
Waterford is a sad case. That airport closed over 20 years ago and nothing has been done to the property since. At least one of the developers has gone bankrupt (serves them right).
Not all news is bad, as there were two airports not in FlightGuide which are in the A/FD:
Candlelight Farms
Toutant (Putnam)
I don't know if they were in existence back then, just that they were not listed.
Still, in the northwest corner of the state, there are no public use airports. If the concept of revitalizing General Aviation with "light sport" aircraft is going to work, we need places to land them.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
27 minutes ago
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