You can go to "Baptists for Brownback" (and no, I am not going to give those ignorant shitheels a link, read about it here if you want) and see that they don't like the word "rape". No, they want to call it an "unplanned sexual event."
What a bunch of motherfuckering self-righteous asswipes.
First off, "unplanned sexual event" is solely from the point of view of the person being violated. The one doing the raping probably planned it. This is like saying that I were to walk up behind one of these idiots, press a .38 to the back of his/her head and blow their brains out, that would be an "unplanned firearms dicharge."
That analogy is accurate because rape is a crime of violence. It is a serious felony that, up until a few decades ago, could get a perp strapped into Old Sparky for one last sit-down with the preacher.
Second, these holier-than-thou douchebags regard being raped as akin to being impregnated by God, that the woman being raped is having some sort of quasi-religious experience. Nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe they would regard the aforementioned bullet into the back of their vacuum-containing skulls as a religious experience.
Rape is a violent crime and anybody who has been raped or knows someone who has been raped understands that. The rapists certainly understand that.
The fundie fuckwits either do not understand it or, for their own twisted ideological reasons, want to make it so that a crime against a woman is no more serious than a parking violation. I suspect it is the latter, the Bible-spouting clowns are no different than the Taliban in their desire to keep all women barefoot, pregnant and ignorant.
They are the evillest of creatures, for they seek to impose their twisted religious beliefs on others.
They are the Christian Taliban.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
30 minutes ago
Sort of amazing that there are people like that in this day and age, isn't it?
Indeed it is. I don't know where they grow them, bu their water supply needs to be checked carefully.
Anyway, I just got an email from a friend who read this post. he said I need to learn to stop holding back and to express how I really feel.
I get that a lot.
I need to work on it.
Oh it gets even better- I "think" it is Georgia that is looking at doing away with statutory rape if both are under 18... What a crock of SHIT!!!
OBTW, I like your blog! No punches pulled :-)
Old nfo,
I appreciate the nice words.
I don't know how I feel about the statuory rape thing. I don't feel comfortable with tossing a couple of 16 year olds into the criminal justice system because they got laid in the back of daddy's Buick, but in my day, if the kids were caught doing that, they'd get an ass-whipping from their parents.
Maybe times have changed.
Anyway, salute! You guys in the P-3s did some fine work (and don't ask me how I know, but I do).
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