The weather has been as perfect as it can be. Nice cool nights, bright sun, not a cloud in the sky.
And, [sob} my airplane is sitting on the ground at Ye Olde Aerodrome, awaiting parts.
Yes, I know: Read the top quote below the blog photo.
Still sucks. Big time.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
Thanks for the memory flash.
...I'm hearing cables and other mysteries rattling in the fuselage behind me. That happens when we bump down the mowed alfalfa runway (can you smell it?) It's cold, slightly colder than crisp, and the sun is so bright my eyes water. Dad's taking me along to a little fly-in, where I'll look at the planes, try to stay out of the wind but in the sun, and he will talk lift struts and magnetos with some other "old" guys he's never met...
That was almost 40 years ago. He's a UFO now, still has the Luscombe (since '55) which bears its original "N" number, and the old wooden prop is hanging in his den.
The dream lives.
Sorry to hear you're grounded for the moment. I know I get very cranky when I am not able to fly for a few weeks... hang in there.
The weather in the midwest has been spectacular the last couple weeks - today was an unexpectedly nice soaring day to boot, I was able to put 2 hours into enjoying 6000' plus thermals. I can't remember ever seeing such a good day in October.
Of course, soaring is much more weather dependent than power flying. The good days will come again, soon.
Don't want you grounded; give these folks a try :-
Not at those prices, Stu.
And if I were going to drop that kind of money on a fantasy flight, I'd go for a T-6 or a TF-51 ride.
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