Tony Baloney, the Brave Pepper-Sprayer of Defenseless Women, got his punishment: A loss of ten vacation days.
Oooh, that'll learn him, no doubt.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
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Great post - love the snark-o-meter! That NYC police dept. really knows how to punish it's own criminals doesn't it?
According to a former cop it's a bit stiffer than that, because the NYPD found that he violated NYPD policy -- i.e., was *not* operating under color of law when he pepper-sprayed that woman -- and thus a) is ineligible for any further promotion within the NYPD (his career is at an end), and b) is *personally* culpable in any criminal prosecution or lawsuit that happens due to this action. The NYPD basically just threw him under a bus. In a nice way to avoid upsetting the unions, but under a bus. You can bet that he's going to put in for early retirement "to spend more time with his family" (actually, to prepare his defense against the inevitable civil lawsuits) shortly.
Fundamentally the NYPD just told him he's not wanted, and while their union contract and due process doesn't allow them to fire him for this offense, they can make his life hell enough that he voluntarily "resigns". Furthermore it's a message to the *other* white shirts to watch their step -- if Tony Baloney got his career cut short for making a Career Ending Move of this sort, it could happen to them, too.
In short, it's a bit more than it seems on its face. I wonder how many of the officers on the hearing panel were white shirts and how many were blue shirts? Must have been an... interesting... discussion in the panel room after they heard and viewed all the evidence :).
- Badtux the "It's progress" Penguin
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