Two juvie court judges in Pennsylvania are on their way to the Federal slam for seven years. They were taking millions of dollars in kickbacks from private prison companies; the two robed goons were sending kids to juvenile prison if the kids were unfortunate not to have a lawyer. It didn't matter what the charge was, the kids got a one-minute trial and were sent to jail.
There is no telling how many kids' lives were ruined by those two shitheels. Once the litigations get going, it is going to cost the Commonwealth a hell of a lot more than the bribes those two corrupt bastards received. Seven years in prison? Hell, they should serve seventy! Every day, they should be locked in the stocks with plenty of rotten fruit and eggs for those kids to throw at them.
Of course, the prison companies claim they were victims, too. I call "bullshit" on that. Last time I checked, the phone number for the FBI is in the book. Nothing was stopping them from dropping a dime on the judges, other than greed.
And you have to wonder if this isn't also going on in every other state with privately-run prisons.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Note that these were juvenile judges. Juvenile courts operate in secret with no oversight and few rules regulating what they can do, and this is all justified by the need to "protect the privacy of minors". This would have never happened in a real court because there would have been an uproar, appeals, and so forth because real court proceedings are open to the public, including to reporters.
Not that real courts are much better in practice. Judges basically allow pseudo-science "forensic science", testi-lying, witness tampering (via lineups designed to get eyewitnesses to identify the person they want convicted), etc. to railroad people into jail, including multitudes later proven to not have committed the crime they were convicted "beyond a reasonable doubt" of committing, and basically the fact of the matter is that if you don't have $10,000 minimum to pay a lawyer in a local case, or $100,000 minimum to pay a lawyer in a federal case, you are going to jail. Nice police state we have here in Soviet America, one where a get-out-of-jail-free card applies if you have money, and you are going to jail if you don't.
- Badtux the Sovok Penguin
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