Every so often, I see a reference to Sarah Palin referring to herself as "Joe Sixpack Hockey Mom."
Yeah. Sort of like the guys you see every so often on "Cops," the ones who are half in the bag, wearing a wife-beater t-shirt and trying to explain to the nice police officers why he felt it necessary to split his wife's lip.
Or why he found it necessary to drink three six-packs of Bud and then drive down the road, weaving from side to side.
I do not understand why so many people think it is a bad idea to send smart people to run our government. Sending amiable idiots hasn't worked all that well for the last eight years, unless your idea of a good time is two lost wars and a failing global economy.
Anyway, here is John McCain's chief speechwriter on Craig Ferguson.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Joke
40 minutes ago
Check out this Non-sequitur comic strip regarding Joe sixpack leadership;
I've always loved the "drunk Texan" video even though I was told it had to be fake.
If so, awesome dialogue - and the dancing ain't half bad.
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