The Dow Jones Average dropped nearly 700 points today, closing below $9,000.
Meanwhile, the hot item for John McCain is bashing Obama about Bill Ayers.
I once thought that, as far as politicians go, McCain was a decent guy. I thought the "black baby" smears that George W. Bush did against McCain in the 2000 campaign were despicable. In my state's primary in 2000, I voted for McCain.
Now, I see that McCain is just as sleazy and despicable and dishonest as Bush. The economy is going into the tank and all McCain can talk about is what Ayers did 40 years ago?
Besides the stupidity of the McCain attacks (because face it, that is all he has left in his tank), there is also the point that as I understand it, Christianity is really big on forgiveness and second chances. Ayers turned himself in to face charges for his crimes and now that he is living as a free man in society, is he not supposed to be accorded some measure of respect for facing up to what he did?
(Compare Ayers to George Bush, who has never faced up to his misdeeds throughout his life.)
Let me guess: Forgiveness only happens if the transgressors are Republicans. McCain's bloody fingerprints on tanking the Savings and Loan industry are forgiven. McCain's cheating on his first wife with numerous other women is forgiven. Cindy McCain's drug crimes are forgiven, are are Rush Limbaugh's drug crimes. Ann Coulter lied on her voter registration form. George W. Bush had a DWI conviction and deserted from the Alabama Air National Guard. Joe Scarborough had a dead woman in his office. Hell, Laura Bush killed a guy. All forgiven.
Obama was in grade school during the Weather Underground's "days of rage." Nobody has seriously shown that Obama and Ayers are friends. Obama wasn't a member of the Weather Underground, but McCain is trying to slander him with what happened when he was learning his times tables in grade school?
There is something patently unfair about all that and I suspect that this time around, the smears of the Republicans are not going to work.
The economy is going down the tubes and all John McCain can talk about is the Weather Underground? What a bunch of brain-dead goat-fuckers the GOP has!
You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing, but McCain sure could use one, for he is pissing into the wind.
Red Hot Chili Parents
55 minutes ago
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