The George W Bush Sewage Plant.
A rendering plant would be a good thing to name for him. It'd also be appropriate to name a cellblock after him at The Hague, since he may wind up residing there. Along with Douglas Feith, David Addington, John Yoo, Alberto Gonzalez, and the commanders of the prison in Guantanamo and of the Navy Brig in Charleston, SC.
How Cats Perceive Taste
2 hours ago
I'd say it's more appropriate to name the sewer, not the treatment plant, after George W. Bush. Because it's the sewer that's full of shit. It's the treatment plant's job to turn that shit into clean water. I.e., what Barack Obama's job is going to be after he gets elected in November -- turning shit into something that doesn't reek so bad.
- Badtux the Sewage Penguin
Maybe the "George Bush Public toilet?"
No, the George W. Bush Public Toilet is you and I, because we're the ones that Dubya is shitting upon.
The George W. Bush Memorial Sewer is surely the most appropriate memorial here. It's full of shit all the time, after all!
- Badtux the Memorial Penguin
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