Eclipse Aviation is not paying its workers.
That's usually not a good sign.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.You're here, you've consented. If you don't like it, go read some other goddamn blog. It's not as if you're paying me.
I once had an employer who was having a cash crunch who made a remark about delaying our paychecks. I just shrugged and said, "If I'm not paid, I don't work." He needed me or he had no business, so I got paid ;-).
I just do not fathom people who will come to work after they haven't gotten a paycheck. What kind of clue stick do they need to understand that they're working for free, and that's never a good thing?
- Badtux the Employed Penguin
And oh yeah, under California law, if you're not paid, you're automatically eligible for unemployment benefits. It boggles my mind that this is not true in New Mexico and those Eclipse workers who basically have been let go are not eligible for unemployment benefits.
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