Donald Trump is a narcissistic man-child with the emotional maturity of a toddler who will happily destroy American liberties, freedoms and the rule of law to protect his own miserable hide. He makes Richard Nixon look ethical and law-abiding in comparison.
Why that would get me tossed into the pokey in the Netherlands is that they have a law that makes it a felony to insult the leader of a "friendly nation".
I would argue that to the nations of Europe, Trump is not the leader of a friendly nation. Whether that'd keep me out of The Tulip Slammer (or th Prison of Orange) is speculative.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
The nation is not friendly, the "leader" has abdicated everything but the title and the living quarters.
Was the Prison of Orange referring to the House of Orange-Nassau or to theDonald???
I mean, it could go either way there.
They have prisons in Holland?
Anon 8:10,
They have to have at least one for the miscreants from the Yugoslavian Wars of the `90s.
You could argue that you were just stating the facts and that if someone thought it was an insult, they should be prosecuted for thinking such a thing.
"They have prisons in Holland?"
Not as many as they used to, as they've been closing them down due to a lack of prisoners to put in them. They took some excess inmates from Norway, but it wasn't enough to justify the expense.
-Doug in Oakland
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