Chelsea Manning is running for the Senate in Maryland.
I don't think she has a chance in hell of winning, but then again, I thought the same with regard to Trump. So maybe you shouldn't listen to me.
P.S.; Transphobic comments will receive an automatic Red Card.
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52 minutes ago
I'm not sure what I think about this. I don't have any problems with her gender, and if I have problems with the documents she leaked, then why am I happy with the transcripts DiFi published last week?
I guess I'd have to research Ben Cardin's record to see if I thought she would be better, because that's one area I'm not conflicted about; the candidate who would be the best senator is the one I want to win.
One thing in her favor is that she's been investigated thoroughly already, but I thought the same thing about Hillary Clinton, so ???
-Doug in Oakland
Does Manning have money? Like a LOT? It will take oodles to get past Cardin in the primary.
So a convicted felon is running for office in MD, why am I NOT surprised?
The Presidency and the Senate are now viewed as entry level positions?
This is odd. Why would she think she'd have a chance? Makes me think of that democrat from several years ago that looked very much like a decoy meant to ruin a real democrats' chance at an election.
well Old NFO, there's a horde of unconvicted felons and traitors in the White House.....
Hey, if a Felon can get elected, then I fail to see what his current gender matter. If that is what the voters want, then more power to him (or her, depending).
I'd not vote for Manning for many reasons, but the gender bending isn't one of them.
Yet another friend of Wikileaks steps up for high office. Who is financing Manning's campaign I wonder...?
I know it's not her fault, and it's nothing I get to vote for anyway, but it doesn't help that Greenwald is yapping about it now.
-Doug in Oakland
Manning has an interesting (probably Internet) ad out. Me, I'd like a little more emphasis on reducing government secrecy, a topic that she'd own.
All in all, while part of me thinks that she's goofy (further left than Bernie), part of me thinks it's past time to scale back the surveillance state, and she might be just the person to lead that charge. As a Maryland voter, I'm keeping an open mind.
But T-Bolt is right - she'll need deep pockets to go after the old, straight, white dude.
And Old NFO, there's that old saying: when exposing a crime is treated as a crime, you are ruled by criminals. The potential downside is that Manning may have been used by Assange, which would suggest she's being used now. That's the back story that I'd like to know.
The only country Manning ever served was Russia. The only beneficiary of Manning's election to the Senate would be Russia. Manning would be the Democratic version of Donald Trump -- a media-circus know-nothing dragging the republic into reality-TV disrepute.
Very god articel, thanks for sharing.
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