Blackwater's previous name change to Xe didn't take. So now they want to be known as "Academi". They say they've changed.
They can change their name to the "Sparkling Unicorn of Peace and Love" and they would still be the same pack of goons that they have always been. Putting on a new dress and having a makeover does not change the blackness of their soul.
A Dance to Jules Feiffer
32 minutes ago
I still can't get over the fact that the USA hires fucking mercenaries. Those trigger happy motherfuckers caused a hell of a lot of problems.
"They can change their name to the 'Sparkling Unicorn of Peace and Love' and they would still be the same pack of goons that they have always been."
Ah, yes, the ol' "lipstick on a pig" gambit (but in this case rightfully applied). I love it.
And of course, bringing in a new CEO from KBR is *just* the way to show they have become the "Sparkling Unicorn of Peace and Love".
Yeah, KBR had their own problems with the evilness of their war contractors. Rape, electrocutions, minor shit like that.
In terms of "brand identity," isn't it all about having your name be a recognized product? Doesn't some consistency help you earn business? If you're an unknown name bidding for a contract, wouldn't it be better to stand out from the pack, so people know who they're dealing with?
Then again, in the rarefied world of companies that are allowed to carry guns and kill people, and are seeking to get government money to do so (fuck these azzholes who say they're "free enterprise;" they're nothing but leeches off the taxpayer's tit) I guess the people with authority to disburse funds already know who's who. And when you shit all over one name, it doesn't hurt to have another. The only ones who will be fooled are the civilians, who don't pay attention and won't know that those Star Trooper-suited thugs with "Academi" on their ID patches are actually Blackmurder goons.
Bukko, the WaPo did a series about this awhile back, called "Top Secret America". There are something like a million people working as government contractors in the national security field, including mercenaries.
Blackwater/Xe/Academi wouldn't exist without government funding.
I remember that series. Came out when I was still living in Australia. I didn't read all of it. That was about the last decent bit of investigative reporting the Kaplan Testing Service loss leader did, along with the Walter Reed medical misery series. I don't read the Post any more because it's such a right-wing rag under the editorial misleadership of Fred Hiatt. That's a damn shame, because I grew up reading the WaPo, and it was the inspiration for me in my first career as a newspaper reporter. How the mighty have fallen, nay, jumped. The New York Times is all the Establishment news I care to read these days. Weird how I get a better perspective on the truth by watching RT TV (the Russian network) and al Jazeera English, both of which I can get on my cable TV system in the Land of the Free-er than America. Like I say, how the mighty have jumped...
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