The next time that there is a major disaster in your city or town, walk away. Do not risk your health or well-being to respond.
For if you do, it will be "shame on you for ruining your health." The government will not have your back. The Confederate party will see to that.
There’s More Than One Way To Feed A Cat
1 hour ago
Yeah, I kinda think that when a government organization calls on fire departments, in an emergency, it's probably a good idea for them to call back and demand signatures on contracts.
Don't lift an axe or a hose until the ink is dry.
This is the society we've made for ourselves. We can't expect anything better.
Ah Yes the confederate party, the folk who tried to KILL this country, who failed, and who are trying again. What part of E. Pluribus Unum do they not understand?
Answer ALL OF IT
Besides they will tell you it's foreign sounding...
The artificial rugged individualist who never REALLY existed
There is NO jump the shark place for these bastards NONE
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