This is a nutshell version of ol' Willard's plan to boost the economy: More tax breaks for the rich, fuck over the unemployed.
What Willard the Fudge-Packer wants to do is to eliminate unemployment insurance entirely and make the tax cuts for the rich permanent. So if you get laid off, fine, lose your home, starve to death, see if Willard cares.
Just so long as Willard and his buddies don't have to pay taxes, everything will be fine.
So, if you voted for Republicans and you've been laid off from your job, remember this: The people you voted for hate you and want you to die soon.
Have a nice day.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
10 minutes ago
Absolutely. Nicely put.
Mitten's jobs plan appears to be the same as Stalin's: No people, no problem. After all, dead people aren't unemployed, they're just... dead.
- Badtux the Sovok Penguin
Yeah, I've been working on a pet theory that the plutocrats actually believe the global warming business, and the peak oil business, and have come to the conclusion that a massive die-off would be a great thing for them. Just think of Walking Dead without the zombie danger.
What would this look like? Well, a propaganda campaign to discredit the scientists warning us against it. Encouragement of profligate emissions. Escalation of the impoverishment of the teeming masses. Looming food crises, perhaps. And the beefing up and militarization of their security forces.
Nangleator, remember that back in the Gilded Age, prior to the rise of the middle class, the rich had all the servants they could use when there were less than two billion people on the planet.
The rich don't need most of us.
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