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I like the show, but I have to wonder about it at times.
First off, how many people these days don't know how to kill a zombie?
Why, when Rick woke up in the hospital, did he wander around both the hospital and the town wearing a hospital gown and in bare feet?
When they come across dead soldiers (both in the pilot and last week), why aren't they stripping their bodies for weapons, boots, knives, etc.?
Why did Glenn and his guys go into Atlanta to scavenge shit? Wouldn't they have been better off finding a suburban strip mall and ransacking Lowes, Home Depot or Tractor Supply? What, of any use, are they going to find in an urban department store?
Why not ransack other police stations? And if they do that, why not find the SWAT team locker and take some fucking silenced weapons?
Why not try to find a sporting goods store and get some more crossbows? Or some regular compound bows?
When Jim was bitten by a zombie, why didn't they just fucking kill him? Why leave him to die an agonizing death and then turn into a zombie?
You Wanna Take It All The Way To The Top?
49 minutes ago
I'm enjoying the show since there is not much decent sci-fi/horror on these days (Thanks syfy channel, you suck!). But finding myself yelling at the characters like they're brand new PVTs just out of basic training who still are clueless. Especially the two cops.
Jeebus! They're in GA! Not the People's Republic of New Jersey. Guns and ammo aplenty. My sister, who is in a wheelchair, even hunts down there.
While I'm at it, there are no troops who got smart and ignored stupid orders, thereby staying alive and still on the hunt? C'mon...the Army is full of combat vets right now who are alive because they ignored orders from idiots. Like "You stay here until you're all overun by zombies!"
I'm confused about the propagation of the disease. Do you have to be an animated corpse to pass it on? Or is there some easier method? They don't seem unusually strong, so do we assume no zombies come crawling out of closed graves?
How the hell did this go global? Were there zombies that got on planes?
It doesn't make sense how quickly it proceeded to this point.
And once you have an area that's more zombie than human, how the hell do they recruit more of them, since they end up eating their victims completely?
Nangleator, the series hasn't, so far, addressed the origins of zombification. (I haven't watched last night's episode yet).
World War Z explained much of the spread. In that book, the disease originated in China. It was spread when apparently healthy people died in hospitals; their organs were taken for the world-wide black market.
The disease appears to be blood-borne, so a mosquito that bites an infected, but not yet turned, person could spread it to other people.
what I want to know is -
If they run out of people to eat, do zombies "die"
Since they appear to keep decomposing, do they eventually waste away? ie: can you wait them out?
and Georgia? How can they possibly be running out of ammo? They had to go back into the middle of the mess in Atlanta for one bag?
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