Her printed statement is a damning indictment of the CIA for engaging in torture and covering it up. Buried in her outrage about how the CIA has been trying to intimidate her committee staffers, violated the Constitution regarding separation of powers and violated Federal law regarding domestic investigations, she has confirmed that the CIA engaged in war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The CIA's actions against Feinstein and her committee are puzzling. Did they really expect that she'd just shut up and take it? Have they forgotten that when the CIA pisses off Congress, that Congress can and will eviscerate them? (They've done it before.) Besides slashing the CIA's budget with a chainsaw, Congress can force the senior management to spend so much time testifying on this-that-and-the-other that they might as well take rooms in a Capitol Hill boarding house.
When it comes to a separation of powers battle, the party lines blur. Senators are senators first, before their political affiliation. They won't forget or forgive any of this, not without some resignations at the CIA.
As one of those who has been saying for a very long time that the CIA had become a rogue agency, I can only say this to DiFi: Welcome to the party, pal.
Riley Really Knows How To Rile ‘Em Up
9 minutes ago
Funny how all of the sudden the CIA is out of bounds when she finds out they've been spying on her.
-Doug in Oakland
+1 on Doug... sigh
Old NFO, agreed. But if that's what it took for DiFi to see the light on this issue, then great. I'd rather have her pissing on them.
DiFi isn't known around here as a particularly courageous senator nor one who is quick to anger, so the fact that she's getting her dander up now is rather unusual -- and should be getting the CIA and Bush III err Obama administration alarmed, because if she is getting hot under the collar, it means there's a whole lot of other Senators who are, too.
This is a win win for me.
I absolutely despise DIFI and the CIA has been overdue for some accountability for a long time, especially over this torture B.S. that goes back to the Bush administration.
This could bring that whole sordid mess back to life and maybe we will get some freaking prosecutions, finally.
The fact that she has her knickers in a twist over the CIA getting into her staffers computers is especially delicious seeings how she doesn't seem to have a problem when it is us peons they are doing it to.
Just like Lerner has found a use for the Fifth amendment, the fact that Feinstein has all of a sudden rediscovered the Fourth has caused me no end of amusement.
Why yes, I would like to Super Size my Schadenfruede.
I hope to high heaven above that this turns into a pissing match for the ages.
Having these two government entities at each others throats ,even if it is not made very public, will go a long ways towards clarifying the proper boundaries that these people have been ignoring for many years now.
The more they go at it, the more information will come to light and the tighter the reins will get.
"they might as well take rooms in a Capitol Hill boarding house"
If they do, it will probably be C Street House...
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