I know, I know, "surrendering your civil liberties will keep you safe". We've been hearing that shit for nine years, now.
Tell you what: How about if TSA and DHS put an airline-type screening area in their headquarters. Every political appointee and SES-level employee at TSA and DHS would get the full enhanced screening every time they went into the headquarters building. The TSA scanners would be rotated in and out weekly from airports around the country. There would be video cameras set up, open to all on the Internet, so everyone could see that the screenings were truly being done.
TSA and DHS officials would also be forbidden from flying on government aircraft. If they need to go somewhere, they fly commercial with the dreaded SSSS code automatically printed on their boarding passes.
If this security regimen is so good for us, let us see the DHS and TSA brass live with it as well.
Update: The TSA officals are oh, so angry because the traveling public is not happy about being irradiated and/or sexually assaulted in the name of security. And at least one DA has detected which way the wind is blowing.
When Dad Is The Muffin Man
1 hour ago
Seems entirely logical to me!
And, since they are the watchdogs and the final line of defense against teh Arab!! then they should undergo far more stringent security checks just to get to work every day, and to remain at their desks.
Fully naked searches, with body cavity checks. And, to be more time-efficient, since ALL employees need to undergo these checks, they can simultaneously check each other.
Naked. Body cavity searches. With the longest digit available, just to be sure. Twice daily. On camera, with those video files no more securely guarded than the least guarded of TSA's files.
I found this line from her article to be interesting:
The deployment of this technology and the implementation of these measures represent the evolution of our national security architecture, an evolution driven by intelligence, risk and a commitment to be one step ahead of those who seek to do us harm.
Everything that has been done in the name of enhanced "security" has been reactionary, and knee-jerk at that. Including the creation of the department she heads and the agency under it that everyone hates. I would say that she's clueless, but that is apparently a prerequisite for high-level government work.
One step ahead, indeed.
Last place I worked, there were people who were on a plane almost every frickin' week. Tell me that kind of exposure to X-rays doesn't add up after a while.
I keep wondering where the breaking point is, where Americans will finally decide they're safe enough from a bunch of religious fanatics hiding in caves. We don't seem to be there yet.
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