I didn't know that May is now Zombie Awareness Month.
And there is even a book on zombie forensics.
Zombie CSU: The Forensics of the Living Dead
Silly me, I didn't know that there was much to research, for if they come, the idea is to escape, evade, and kill any in your path.
Photoshop, The Mighty Miracle Worker
1 hour ago
As a working policy that's straight and to the point. But you also have to know what kind of zoms you're facing (Romeroesque slow shamblers; 28 Days Later zombie spring team runners; Dan O'Bannon talking zoms, etc.)
And, for choice of weapon...I always favor the sword (katana in my case). It's quiet and it doesn't run out of bullets.
-Jonathan Maberry
author of ZOMBIE CSU: The Forensics of the Living Dead (Citadel Press)
PATIENT ZERO (St. Martins Griffin)
ROT & RUIN (Simon & Schuster -Oct 2010)
and co-author of MARVEL ZOMBIES RETURN
I suppose that if I had to think about it, I'd opt for something like a shorter handled shovel, somewhere between an entrenching tool an a regular shovel, which was semi- sharpened at the angle of a wood-splitting wedge.
It doesn't scream "weapon", you can take it almost anywhere.
Too bad they don't make a Garand with a box magazine and in .223 or 7.62x39mm. Heavy stock with a steel buttplate, sturdy bayonet, it'd be a hell of a good compromise weapon.
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