Do not travel through Texas while carrying anything of value, including cash or jewelry. For if you do, the cops will steal it from you and use their police powers to "legitimize" the theft.
I suspect that this goes on in a lot of places other than Texas. Using the fact that people have their children with them as a lever to force them to agree to the "seizure" is nothing short of a ransom demand.
This distinguishes the Texas cops from the Mexican Federales, how, exactly?
Will Not Be Influenced By The Influencer, Part 8
2 hours ago
I suspect that this goes on in a lot of places other than Texas.Yeah, it's national. Well, not this exact scheme, but stuff like it happens all across the country. The ATF has some real love for asset forfeiture laws.
Funny how the republicans equate taxes as the government pointing a gun at you and taking your money. Yet, they promote this to "get tough" on "crime."
Wow. These guys really do remind you of the "police or little people" comment in the film "Blade Runner."
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