Like a lot of aircraft owners, I have an engine cover over the nose of the airplane. That keeps birds from building nests on top of the engine, which are no fun to get out, as the straw from the nests falls between the cylinders and it all has to be poked out. I have never had birds come up from underneath the cowling and build a nest on the tubes of the engine mount.
All that crap is one nest. There were four little eggs in it. I can see why they'd like to build a nest there; it is completely sheltered from wind and rain and nothing (other than an irate pilot) is going to disturb them.
I set the nest off to the side, with the eggs in it, cleaned all of that other shit out and then went flying. As I was doing that and preflighting the rest of the airplane, a small bird kept flying by and squawking that seemed to be alarm or upset noises. It was probably one of the parents.
I imagine that I'll find another nest, next time. I might have to get some screening to cram in there between flights.
HAHAHAHAH! What kind of fucking birds were they?
Starlings have got to be the primary suspect.
Moth balls might keep them out.
PP, no idea. The eggs were bluish.
Starling for sure then. These birds contribute nothing but trouble. Keep a male and female for the next ark trip and the rest can go.
I shoot these as sport (shotgun) and they have to be the hardest targets there is. A dove cannot touch the moves these guys make. And the good thing about it it hurts nothing and is actually a positive for the other birds in the area. Plus you can leave them lay. Nasty little bastards.
ITS that considered as fod?
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