That's how many posts, according to Blogger, that I have cobbled together over the last 17+ months (that count includes drafts in progress). Since it counts everything from two-line snark posts with links to news stories to multi-page screeds, well, I have no clue what the significance is.
I do appreciate your putting up with the flow.
Which leads me to this: I have a very long post in the works about war and the Jews. What I might do is start another blog, just for that, and when I feel a need to write really long things, post them there with the initial paragraphs here. (For one thing, I can pretty much guarantee that some folks are going to be pissed off.)
On the one hand, doing that might mean such posts are not read. On the other hand, those who do want to skip over it won't have to spend time scrolling past.
What I don't want to do is reset the blog so only the first few paragraphs of any post are displayed, as that could really screw up Caturday posts and my infrequent discourses on All Things Aviation and/or Boomity.
Comments? Preferences?
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Hello, love your writing, keep it coming! I would prefer the whole posts shown right here, no real problem scrolling down for anyone who doesn't want to read it.
I think a blog is one of the last things in the world to which one can claim "mine", and as such, should suit the blogger. You have a great blog. Do it like you want.
Jeg, agreed, the final decision is mine, but I think it only prudent to seek opinions before I post a lengthy screed.
E.B.~ Over at my blog, when I do a long=winded rant, I just put up the first paragraph or so and then a link to the rest of the post which is actually on another blogspot blog, but like your idea, its just a continuation of the regular blog. EXAMPLE:
my blog is leftwingnutjob.blogspot. The continuation blog I created is leftwingnutjob2.blogspot. It has the same template as the regular blog. Check it out here as an example on how I do it:
I like your idea of putting up a partial with a link. I love what you do with your short pieces, I'd be very interested in longer pieces for you.
Lisa, you ought to check out "Babies in Open" if you want to read longer stuff. It's all Navy-related, though.
Though you do post many items, I really enjoy your blog and read almost everything. I have considered multiple blogs (for different topics, not different lengths), but for the time being I'm sticking with one. That one represents the stuff that interests me, not the different topics that may- or may not- individually interest others. As far as my druthers go for your blog, if I get blogged down (pun intended) in a post, I'll scroll through it. If not, it's almost no trouble to click to the full post elsewhere. You have good sense and good taste; whatever you decide is fine.
I mulled it over and opted to put the body of the long post into a satellite blog. I'm only going to do that when I write something that is overly long.
I like your short posts and have read most all the long ones because they keep my interest.
Good stuff Misfit no matter what the length.
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