This link will take you to a panoramic photo of President Obama giving his Inauguration speech. Zoom in and look just behind the President and you can see Justice Scalia, wearing a hat that appears to have been stolen from the set of the "Little Rascals."
Then look to the left. It appears that the President had just said something worthy of some applause, as Dubya and Condi are applauding. On the other hand, Dick Cheney looks so unhappy that it would appear that his permit to torture and eat kittens must have been revoked.
A Dance to Jules Feiffer
13 minutes ago
The inauguration didn't happen. This photo is a Photoshopped fake.
If you don't believe me, look toward the bottom slightly left of center, at the left-most flag banner, then follow that up to the short light post. Now look left of the base of that light post and you will see one guy out of the entire crowd who is looking to the left up into the audience. Zoom in on him and notice part of his head is missing, there is someone else's cap superimposed on his head, etc. etc. All Photoshop. This proves the inauguration was staged somewhere in Houston, probably at NASA.
1) Mind letting us know what drugs you are taking? They seem to be pretty potent. Thing is, I know people who claim that they were at the Inauguration, so either they are all lying or you are crazy.
2) If your handle is indeed a FAA N number, you need to renew it.
You forgot option #3, Comrade. Option #3 is that he's being sarcastic about how the tighty righties are always lookin' for the kerning to declare things fake.
The panorama itself is, of course, a paste-up. Sort of like the paste-up by Time Magazine that created a three-handed economist, which certainly isn't an improvement over the two-handed sort (as President Truman pointed out, his ideal economist would have only one hand). But the event was real.
-- Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin
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