I was, by far, not the only person who was incredulous at the idea that the Former Vice President for Torture, Richard Cheney, threw his back out by helping to move boxes. The man, after all, has had a pasta-bazillion heart attacks and he is closing in on 70.
I did not think of the idea that the whole incident was staged so that he would not have to stand and give honor to President Obama.
But I suspect that it is indeed plausible. And it would be just the sort of dickish move that one might expect from that old fuck.
Jon Stewart was right: All Cheney needed to complete the picture was a snow-white Persian cat on his lap.
And I don't know how I missed this from Monday's show:
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
I'm not ready to buy the Cheney thing. Revenge is worthless unless the target KNOWS it's revenge...just read "The Cask of Amontillado". And it has to HURT.
Of course, he could call up Obama and say "I was just giving you the finger", but Obama could merely say "OK, say that to the cameras, Big Man..."
Old farts throw their backs out. Trust me on this.
Esteemed Comrade E.B.,
"I did not think of the idea that the whole incident was staged so that he would not have to stand and give honor to President Obama."
Are you being more subtle than usual, or has your awareness of Cheney gone missing? That wasn't a virtual finger, triple 6 made his intention perfectly fuck you Obama clear.
My friend Deborah gave the perfect comment tonight: Dr. Strangelove, where the fuck is the glove, the cane was a nice touch though ;-)
I agree that the whole thing was trumped up so Dick wouldn't have to stand for the President.
And it if wasn't faked, I hope his back hurts like hell.
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