A woman in northern Virginia got so furious at Comcast's lousy customer service and the runaround that they gave her, including service guys that didn't show up, service guys that did show up and didn't complete the installation and then, going to Comcast's offices, being told to wait (outside, in August), only to then be told after several hours that the guy she needed to talk to went home. So on a return trip to Comcast's office, she began trashing the place with a hammer.
The article contained this whopper of a fib: Beth Bacha, a Comcast vice-preznit, noted that Comcast has more than 25 million customers, the overwhelming majority of which are very satistfied with their service.
Which means, even if that is true, that there are several million Comcast customers who think that Comcast totally sucks. And based on my totally non-scientific, unrepresentative survey, the number of of satisfied Comcast customers is a number that is far closer to zero than 25 million.
"Comcastic?" Hardly. Those fuckers.
We Are Totally Bun With You
2 hours ago
I got comcast service when I moved as they had paired up with the local utility Duke Energy so when you signed up for one, surprise you're transferred to the other and they offer you a "great deal"
When I get my fist bill it's 40 percent higher than what I was quoted. I call them up, get put on hold forever, then transferred to another number, get on hold, then am given an email address to make a writen complaint. I do that, and the response is to call the number AGAIN. When I do, I'm told "we don't have any control over what a individual salesman tells you". Sorry bye. I got no instructions with using it. The installer just put it in, handed me a remote and left. I can fly a frikking four engine jet and I still can't get my TV to work, just my DVD.
Comcast ought to adopt Lily Tomlin's version of the motto of AT&T: "We don't care. We don't have to."
I get better customer service from the local electric company than I do from Comcast. The local telco is running fiber optics up here and when the service is available, I am switching from Comcast. If I had a decent view to the south, I'd have put in a satellite dish years ago.
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