Calling him a "smirking chimp" could be construed as an insult to chimpanzees. What sort of retard would make a hand-sign like that while standing next to the Queen of England?
In a time when honor was taken more seriously, we'd now be at war with the British.
"In a time when honor was taken more seriously, we'd now be at war with the British."
That didn't work out very well for them the last two times. It would be even easier now.
It didn't work out too well the first two times because the Brits were a little preoccupied with the French. If it hadn't have been for the French keeping them busy, they might have waxed our ass in either war.
We can't exactly count on the French anymore....
The so called"queen of England" abides by the very rules of that symbolic hand gesture bush flashes so well (there is a reason he does that!!You should find out..)and she has been known to do these such gestures in photo's as well... The so called "Queen of England" and the President of the US of A are of the same bloodline! Do your homework on this and you will be surprised as to what you will find....Treason. bobg is right!
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