I did not watch the Chimperor's speech last night. I would rather have simultaneously gargled with ground glass and douched with liquid nitrogen.
"Success," he claims. The Iraqi electrical distribution system has fallen apart due to a combination of sectarian control and insurgent attacks. Four million refugees or more. The neighborhoods that the Administration says are "successes" because the sectarian cleansing has been completed in those neighborhoods.
And then there is Anbar province, the shining success claimed by Der Monkey Fuhrer. What Preznit Disgustus and his sycophants overlook is that other than Baghdad, more Americans die in Anbar than any other province in Iraq.
As for the Coalition of the Bribed, they're heading for the exits. Australia (not "Austria," Chimpy) will join them if Prime Minister Howard loses the upcoming election, which is probably a given as apparently the only politician less popular than Howard with the Australians is Chimpy, which explains why the Aussies had to seal off a good chunk of Sydney for his recent visit.
We are so screwed, for we have, as a president, a little coward who, having dodged the Vietnam War, concluded the only reason that war turned out badly was because we left rather than throwing another few million men into that meatgrinder. We are so screwed because we have politicians like John Boehner (R-OH) who refer to the casualties as "a small price to pay."
Boehner, like Chimpy, isn't coming back from Iraq with his legs blown off or with a bad traumatic brain injury, or both. Their children are not coming home in the coffins, coffins that this Administration goes to extraordinary efforts to hide from the American people.
In this "struggle of our times", as Chimpy likes to put it, none of the next generation of his family have chosen to participate. Not his daughters, not his nephews, not his nieces. Mitt Romney, who has drunk the GOP Kool-Aid on Iraq, the man who thinks Gitmo should be "doubled in size", has five sons who are all in good health (apparently) and who are all of military age, but none of them has seen fit to volunteer for the fight.
That is how much Republicans care about this war. They are all for fighting it with the lives of other people's kids.
"Success." What a fucking truckload of bullshit.
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