My morning routine is to have breakfast, do laundry (if needed) and watch the tape of the "Daily Show" show from the night before.
So I'm sipping my coffee and there is Chimpy at yesterday's press conference, who said: "Mandela is dead."
Holy shit. When did this happen?
I stopped the tape and went to Google News to find a reference.
He did say that, much to the astonishment of the reporters. But it seems that what he was doing was referring to the Iraqi equivalents.
Hey, Chimpy, wave to the visiting Wingnuts! :-)
Stick around and do a little reading, guys, if you can stand putting down your Kool-Aid for a little bit. You might actually be exposed to a different viewpoint; your heads probably won't explode.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
Holy cow! A member of the reality-based community who is actually interested in reality! You are to be commended.
Odd, hearing someone accuse others of drinking "Kool-Aid" and being closed minded, after actually using the phrase "wingnut".
No partisanship there at all!
Dave, if you had looked at the upper right-hand portion of the page, you would have seem this:
If you feel the need to whine on and on about something I wrote and that I am just a mean, snarky, gun-toting Democratic old bitch, do it on your own blog.
I make no claim to being nonpartisan and for that matter, considering the blog (Mr. Blair's) that you used to get here, I do not think you have any grounds to complain.
The "Kool-Aid Drinking Wingnut" crack is sustained.
Even though you took the effort to find the actual context of the quote, something that Dan Quayle's detractors never did, you are still a hypocrite in that you you use polemic rhetoric to accuse others of using that very same behavior.
Dave S. makes a valid and justified point. Perhaps it is your head that threatens to explode? That would explain the classic signs of projection neuroses you exhibit.
Take heart, you are not too far gone. Just continue to question those sources you've trusted all your life and search out the truth. Ask yourself, "If the media will manipulate this quote, what else are they manipulating?" Being exposed to both sides of an issue may very open your eyes to other ways of thinking and solving problems. Study history too. Like the President's quote, context is everything and history will give you that context.
Question what you are being fed. Ask why is it that Gore refuses to debate the issue of global warming (for example). Why is it that one side has enough confidence in its arguements to debate them as opposed to the other side that avoids the discussion? Resolve not to go through life based on being politically correct.
Political correctness is just the 'conventional wisdom' of a culture in a given time. Political correctness in the 19th century told us that blacks weren't real people (just 3/5ths per the SCOTUS)and allowed slavery to be an acceptable practice.
Take personal pride in your critical reasoning, take an honest look at what has worked and not worked as society continues to evolve and you may find a whole new perspective.
That's how I got past it myself.
Good luck!
And your point is what, exactly? That I should question what I am being told?
Maybe those folks who continue to support Chimpy's War, let alone those folks who continue to believe the lie spread by Vice President Voldemort, the one about Saddam being involved in 9/11, should take a look at what they are being fed, eh?
Or maybe they should question all of the lies and obfuscations, from "cakewalk" and "the war will pay for itself" and all of the statements of progress that have been made for the last 4+ years, only to be at the point where we have close to 400,000 Americans on the ground (between the troops and the Coalition of the Billing) and this war is nowhere near close to its end.
livermoron's comment is scary. Why? Because it manifests the typical signs a of very, very sick person who has begun therapy and with his work, learned the jargon of psychotherapy and that's all. "the classic signs of projection neuroses you exhibit," indeed. It is clear that livermoron has a long, long way to go to find mental health. We should wish him good luck. Then, there are his assertions that "one side will debate, the other won't." Wow. He is right but his comment reveals that he is asserting that the "one side" that will debate is the wingnut side. WOW. I guess that's why we live under the most secretive administration in history, so secret that even the corruption in Iraq is too classified for the public to be told about it. Yeah, THAT secret. And, I guess that's why Cheaty (sic) won't tell us who was at his energy meeting these many years ago. And, I suppose that is also why the predictable reaction to an election campaign by so many Republicans is to hire some hit guys to say that McCain has an illegitimate kid by a Black woman or that a guy who lost half his body defending our nation is a friend of Osama, or thelies of the Lying Swift Boaters of the John Kerry attack. Cool. Yeah, cool. That's the side that will debate. Back to your counselor, livermoron and maybe you should go back to that five times a week thingy. You aren't ready to see the doc only once a week.
I just deleted a comment. It was an insult, that is all that anonymous turdlet posted.
Read Rule No. 1, people.
You both make my point for me. Somehow your statementws qualifiy as arguments? All I read are ad hominae. If the Left were open to actual discussion the world would've been spared Hitler, Stalin and Mao. No, just engage in insult and innuendo and tell the world you are taking the 'high road'.
Were you to have a shred of intellectual honesty you would know that ...most secrtive government in history and lied/died is stupid crap used just to villify someone you can't actually lay a finger on. Read the history of the US Civil War and how the Democrats behaved then (you know, wanting to keep slavery in the South;inciting soldiers to desertion, and more) and then look at FDR and his wartime measures (concentration camps, press restrictions, carpet bombing of civilians, firebombing whole cities like Tokyo, Hamburg, and Dresden?) and your assertions are risible.
Just because you hate doesn't mean you think.
How's that Congress workin' out for you anyway?
Play nice, people. Read Rule 1.
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