Orange Felon Can't Tell Me What to Do

Words of Advice:


"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- Trump

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Never Get Into Anything With a 'Jesus Nut'." -- every fixed-wing pilot

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

Karma may sometimes be late to arrive.
But it never loses an address.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Well, This is Fucking Cheery to Contemplate

(There are links embedded in the original)
So, in June 30 percent of Americans couldn’t make their rent. July 25th, federal eviction protection ends. There may be another check, but another $1,200 (or even $2k) isn’t going to cut it, just as people couldn’t pay rent event with the $600 unemployment benefit top-up.
So, expect a huge wave of evictions, homelessness, and hunger. Food banks will be overwhelmed, people will go hungry.

Your lords and masters have decided that if you aren’t useful to them (aren’t employed, can’t make rent) that you don’t deserve anything, including life. This has been the case for a long time, it’s just that, in the middle of a pandemic, they see a lot of you as useless eaters towards whom they have no responsibility.

Besides, why should they care? Billionaires have actually gained wealth during the pandemic. Covid isn’t much of a problem for the rich, it’s mostly an opportunity.
I really hope I'm wrong about this, but the numbers on this are staggering. Assume that even five percent of Americans lost their housing over two months, that would be almost 17 million people. Each doubling is another 17 million. A ten percent loss is 34 million.

If anything like that happens, I cannot see how it does not turn into mass hunger and civil disorder.
I hope he's really wrong on this. But it makes a twisted bit of sense. If shit really gets weird in the next couple of months, one party will push to go full-on fascist with the promise of cracking down to restore control for the rich. You know who will be promising that.



Glen Filthie said...
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Dark Avenger said...

Glen, you’d pee in your pants if you ever had to live up to your own propaganda.

Ten Bears said...

Leave me remind you our omnivorous evolutionary ancestors survived while their vegan cousins, did not. Though I have no first hand experience I've been told we taste a lot like bacon. It won't necessarily be the stong, the well provisioned, the fortified, who will survive.

Though it's a safe bet we eat blind, egg-sucking dogs before we eat each other.

DTWND said...

Back in the sixties one my teachers theorized that the US had more guns than any other nation. But if China ever invaded the US they wouldn’t need as many weapons, seeing as that their population was so much greater than ours, they’d overwhelm us with sheer numbers. I’m thinking that would apply in this situation also, as the number of homeless and poor would overwhelm the rich and prosperous. It would then come down to whom the middle class would side with. Do One take the side of the rich hoping they’d see and take care of me and my family? (Past history indicates no). Or side with the uprising, hoping to keep what one has and to build a social structure that allows the basic necessities of life for much more than the top 5%. Hmmm, wonder what that Jesus guy would do (as well as those that profess to follow his teachings)?


dinthebeast said...

It's part of the pandemic denial: don't provide any assistance and thus force everyone to go back to work.
The problem with that, though, besides the one being illustrated right now in Texas, Arizona, and Florida, is that not everyone who is currently unemployed has a job to go back to.
So there is economic denial along with pandemic denial, and all of it is getting ready to come take a massive bite out of their asses.
Remember the foreclosure wave that made hundreds of thousands of families homeless after the housing bubble popped? This will be an order of magnitude larger, and is being facilitated by some of the same brain-wizards who were denying there was a problem with the housing bubble.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Comrade Misfit said...

GF, starting a civil war didn't go so well for your side last time around.

FredLewers said...

A friend and I had a conversation over the weekend. The TL;DR version is that the impending collapse is going to level the playing field to some degree. Money's useless if there's nothing to buy. That exclusive gated neighborhood becomes a death trap when the police and private security quit showing up for their shift. A bought and paid for politician is going to be worse than useless when the hoi polloi start decorating lampposts...
People with no skills gonna starve. Bullies gonna get shot with no warning. Yes it's going to be brutal beyond belief. But afterwards we'll rebuild.

Glen Filthie said...
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Comrade Misfit said...

More blather from a gutless Canadian.

Mark Rossmore said...

Keep in mind that if suddenly 10 million people--mostly poor--are going to be evicted, that will result in a significant portion of them being unable to vote in the presidential election. Addresses on driver's licenses/IDs and voter registration need to line up. Four months out from election day, they've got other, bigger daily problems to sort out than going down to the county and getting their voter registration sorted.

That of course plays right into Donnie's tiny hands.

CenterPuke88 said...

Dearest Glenda, better check out who has got military training and experience...hint, it isn’t the rich, white preppies. A few guys with some fancy guns can do a little for a while, a “mob”lead by experienced NCO’s and with a backbone of vets will rip them a new asshole.

Glen Filthie said...
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CenterPuke88 said...

We’d gladly allow a duel elected leader do his job, if we had one willing to rather than stick is head in the ground and wail his niece is a liar.

Ten Bears said...

Rolling on the floor laughing my rosy red ass off.

Anytime you care to meet down on the greensward at daybreak filth, it would be my pleasure.

I choose axehandles.

Dark Avenger said...

Your side is a bunch of untrained morons with guns and grievances, Glen. Against any professional force you’d be mowed down like the British did to the Zulu in the Second Zulu War.

Comrade Misfit said...

I own guns and I know how to use them, Herr Filthie. I am not frightened of either you or your pack of AR-15-toting cowards.

You can try to stretch my neck. But I will do my level best to ensure that those who try, including mouthy Canadians, will cross the River Styx before me.

The far-Right is full of fucking posers and losers. They only have courage when it comes to shooting up houses of worship and conducting ambushes.

You, Herr Filthie, seem to be cut from that cloth.

Eck! said...

GF, shut up or put up. Comes from my generation.

You do not concern me as your far away and impotent.

Like many with training that really can the need
to shoot is last and we have used all others means
first. That means knowledge, skills, tools and
ability to apply it. For all my years years its
been one shot....

Drumpf is incompetent, as president and crime. Us who
have lived around NYC knew that 50 years ago. He has
proved to cause only damage, lie incessantly, and as
far as the other side they can't do worse. Its not
party its the person and his todies.

As to fake news and lies we don't get that from GF we get
invectives and the kind of which that often is heard from
gangs, the likes of shame if your house burned, we offer
protection from that. Information or proof is not there.
Facts count, you present none but noise.

When you come to argue, bring an argument. I will
not engage an argument with a person not equipped
to handle his side. I prepare.

I offer only one suggestion. Better to be quiet and
thought a fool, then open your mouth and prove it to all.


DTWND said...

Ahhh, the lonely incel graces us with his twisted visions of self importance. Hiding behind his keyboard and spouting misogynistic and right wing viewpoints makes him feel like a tough guy. Ten Bears, you should bring a lunch and have a picnic ‘cause you know Glennie ain’t gonna show up.


Glen Filthie said...
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Comrade Misfit said...

You know not of what you speak. Your side is packed with people who have been milking Social Security disability; some rural white counties have about thirty percent of their adult working-age drawing SSDI. You don't see the Right screaming about that, because it's welfare for white people. But let some Black mom collect SNAP benefits and your side is frothing at the mouth.

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the Right's naked racism and xenophobia. You guys are only tolerated by your masters because they know that you'll vote to keep the cops stomping down on the throats of minorities. They exploit that because they help you pretend that there's any real difference between crackers and minorities. They do that because they fear that your side may, some day, realize that the same boot that is keeping minorities in their places are keeping your people in dead-end jobs at Walmart and similar low-pay operations. They fear that your side may realize they have far more in common with the likes of George Floyd than they do the likes of Donald Trump.

When that happens, the reckoning will come, but not in the way your masturbatory fantasies would have it occur.

Glen Filthie said...
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Constitutional Insurgent said...

Well, I agree with Glen on one pint at least, we do need a strong and ethical political Left.......but we need the same on the Right. We don’t have that now.

JustMusing said...

Filthie's Thunderbox blog spotlights everything you need to know about him and how he got to be such a one trick pony. Talk about boring and I had to wash my computer out after leaving the site. I hear the dustbin of history opening up for you GF; Tah-Tah forever.

CenterPuke88 said...

Since Doktor Mengle, er, Filthie has some "thoughts", lets look at them:

"Well, since we're laying our cards on the table, Comrade: yeah, I own guns too, and I am proficient with them as well."


"But - unlike you - I also have a perspective on things like history and tactics. Most of my peers do too."

Presumptive and asumptive, a nice two fer.

"On your side of the political spectrum, they poop on the streets, languish on welfare, and in the summer they loot and burn, rape and murder when its nice and warm.

Racist trope #1, the animalistic black man

"You do that mostly in your own neighbourhoods, and only because my side refuses to show up to riot..."

Racist trope #2, blacks are only in certain neighborhoods, and a false statement as the neo-nazis have been showing up.

"Not only will the next civil war be short, the body counts will be heavily skewed - against you."

Unsupported assertion

"I am not happy about any of this"

Blatent falsehood

"Donald Trump and the next civil war I guess. Some fights need to be fought, and this one has been brewing for a long, long time."

Boogaloo rant at it's finest.

"George Floyd died because he swallowed his drug stash so the cops wouldn’t find it."

Nope, no baggie or any container was found in his digestive tract, sorry...Racist trope #3, the drug crazed black man.

"He had four times the lethal limit of fenytyl (sic) in his blood stream,"

Nope, his post-mortem level of fentanyl is impacted by several factors, the most important of which is fentanyl is hugely concentrated in the blood stream of a person who has died. Also, viewing the video of a compliant and calm George Floyd shows he was not under the influent of fentanyl or any other drug at the time of the attempted arrest...Racist trope #4, repeat of drug crazed black man.

"along with a myriad of other drugs."

Specifically, two other drugs at levels that indicated use between 8 and 48 hours earlier. See also video...Racist trope #5, repeat again of drug crazed black man.

"He’s not my people, and his life doesn’t matter to me any more than yours does."

It's us versus them, and you are choosing them. Racist trope #6, race war/boogaloo.

"My allies on my side run trains, build skyscrapers, go to church and care for their communities and families."

Us versus them again, but straight out of Ayn Rand..."run trains"...Racist trope #7, blacks aren't productive or family oriented.

"Your allies sell drugs to kids, threaten cops, and hold guns to the stomachs of pregnant women."

Same as above, continued...

"I’m still not seeing a down side to civil war with people like you."

Back to boogaloo again. Lots of bluster and little action.

"But... what if it? Best of luck when the bullets start flying. You’re going to need it. Just remember... you brought it on yourselves."

See above.

"Flame away, children. I am getting bored."

Translates as I'm safely behind my keyboard and can't be identified...too bad you're wrong, Herr Doktor. Sooner or later you'll piss off someone not adverse to doxing you, and then we'll see how bold you are. Remember all those blog posts you made have plenty of details about you, maybe take them down and hope they aren't archived? Good luck indeed, boyo.

Dark Avenger said...

Glen reminds me of this:

“The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.”

The Maltese Falcon Dashell Hammett

Comrade Misfit said...

I think this has run its course.