A Korean perspective.
If you believe that the two countries should be friends and allies, you should read it and learn why you're laboring under a misapprehension. The best they can be is co-belligerents.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Down
1 hour ago
Korean Americans should be marching on Mt Rushmore to demand Teddy Roosevelt's colonialist racist mug be blasted off that mountain. He was the US official most responsible for 'giving' Korea to Japan as her 'little brother' because Japan was industrializing and arming with modern weapons. He saw the Japanese as not so 'backward' as Korea. So, naturally, why shouldn't Japan have its own empire? These Japanese are nearly white men, is how he saw it. The arrogance. So he facilitated 'giving' Korea to Japan. As if the strong American fleet gave him that right. All Koreans should remember the US part in Korea's degradation by Japan.
Not to be too cynical, but how does the relationship between White and Black Americans significantly differ from that of Korea and Japan...and didn’t not recognizing any part of that reality leave us at a standstill for a long-time...and how do we move forward, since we finally appear to be willing to move forward, unlike Japan.
Tod, I'm sure that they do. They also remember No Gun Ri and our support for the dictatorship of Park Chung-hee. On the other hand, they remember what country was instrumental in ending Japanese colonialism, if even by accident as far as Korea was concerned, and who kept the Kim regime from controlling the entire peninsula.
So it's kind of a mixed bag, there. I suspect that the Koreans are probably better and nuances than Americans.
CP88, that might be true if both inhabited different countries. But we don't, at least, not unless there is a racial war of the kind that Trump and his asshole supremacist buddies are having wet dreams about.
I'm familiar with some of that blog's material.
Japan went from vanquished enemy to ally pretty fast when the Korean War started. The US should've pushed as much as needed to include Korea.
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