The examples of the GOP's reflexive opposition to President Obama's agenda are many but this may be the best one yet: by a 27 point margin Republicans say they disapprove of the President's executive order last year pardoning two Thanksgiving turkeys (Macaroni and Cheese) instead of the customary one. Only 11% of Republicans support the President's executive order last year to 38% who are opposed- that's a pretty clear sign that if you put Obama's name on something GOP voters are going to oppose it pretty much no matter what.If President Obama announced that a cure had been found for cancer, Republicans would be screaming about lost jobs in the hospice industry.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
...hospice industry
Ooo, I'm so gonna steal that.
I so wish our President would make a stand for 'breathing'. That would finally fix all those asswipe Rethuglickins.
LOL... I've said for years that if Barry could urinate gasoline and defecate gold bullion, he'd be accused of destabilizing the oil and financial markets.
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